Overview of the most frequently used Git commands, Part II: BranchesMerge conflicts in Git are very annoying, especially when they’re caused by some little detail no human on the team cares about. Having…12h ago12h ago
Vim crash courseReal programmers don’t use integrated development environments (IDEs) like Apache NetBeans for Java or JetBrains PyCharm for Python. Real…Dec 4Dec 4
Keep using If-Else where it makes sense, refactor where it doesn’tYet another article has been published exhorting computer programmers to completely stop using If-Else statements. As usual, the article…Nov 26Nov 26
The most common passwords of 2024It’s that time of the year again. NordPass has released a report of this year’s most commonly used passwords.Nov 22Nov 22
Pure functions are easier to testBeginning Java programmers often wind up writing a main() procedure running dozens or even hundreds of lines. Clearly that’s difficult to…Nov 15Nov 15
Random thoughts about randomness in ScalaWhen you need a pseudorandom number in a Java project, what do you use? Many Java programmers would probably just use Math.random(). Which…Nov 14Nov 14
Not all Java IDEs give the same compiler warningsOne might assume that all integrated development environments (IDEs) for Java programming all give the same warnings. One would be wrong to…Nov 9Nov 9
Musings about cache invalidation and naming thingsThey say that the two most difficult things in software development are cache invalidation and naming things. Then perhaps the most…Nov 7Nov 7
Asserting minimums and maximums in Java test classes with org.testframeAssert Equals is the most frequently used assertion in any unit testing framework for Java. And it’s called the same thing in JUnit, TestNG…Nov 5Nov 5
Git advisory regarding ignored files can be turned on or offWorking on Git as long as I have, you start to notice that different versions of Git behave slightly different. If you really want Git on…Oct 29Oct 29